The reason why you focus on lower abs to get 6 pack abs?

A crucial part of any fitness program is training the abs sufficiently. It is often easy to forget about Training each part of the abs and just concentrate on sit-ups or crunches. Lower abs workouts can be performed very easily and you don’t need any special exercise equipment to train them.

The same can be said about the upper abs too. There are many exercises that you can do that concentrates solely on either the upper or lower abs. What is also important is making sure you are taking enough steps to eliminate the fat around the belly because otherwise, all the work you are doing will be worthless because no-one will ever see it!

So What Are The Most Effective Lower Abs Workouts?

Workouts that use a variety of exercises are the most effective. This is because you will be training various muscles at the same time. This is the best way to get the growth and you will see results very quickly. Here’s a few small tips that may help you:

Start Small And Build Your Way Up

It can be quite easy to over train, especially if you are a beginner. So we recommend you start small but make sure you perform each exercise correctly. Don’t try and rush them, thinking you can do 20 when out of those maybe only 8 are done correctly. So just make sure you do them right and just do as many as you can. Don’t even count the number you do, just get used to performing the exercise.

Breathe In, Breathe Out – Your breathing is also vitally important when performing your exercises. When doing crunches as part of your lower abs workouts, for instance, you should breathe in when crunching and out again when you are lowering yourself back down. This alone can really help in muscle growth.

So, those are just a few tips you can use for lower abs workouts. Just remember to start slow, do the exercises correctly and remember to breathe the right way. You’ll have those ripped abs in no time!