You still don’t have the muscle you want?

Are you still trying to get the muscle bound body that will draw the attention of all the girls, and envy of all your friends? You know, it’s the one that you’ve seen on other guys and always wanted for yourself…the six pack abs, ripped chest, V-shaped back, and big guns?

Are you frustrated because, despite everything you’ve tried, you still don’t have the muscle you want? Are you ready to give up because you just can’t seem to build muscle bulk?

If this sounds like you then I would invite you to stop for a moment and consider why you don’t have the body you want just yet. In trying to answer that question let me ask you. How many different pieces of equipment do you have lying around the house serving as dust collectors?

You purchased them because the manufacturers promised they are are exactly what you need to build muscle and get the body you’ve always wanted. How many muscle building programs on DVD or in boxes do you have sitting on a shelf that you haven’t looked at in months…or in some cases, never even opened?

(Hey, I know. It happens and I’ve done it myself.) And, what about muscle-building magazines in stacks on the garage floor? Each one had the perfect routine, just what you were looking for. You followed it for 4, maybe 6 weeks before finding a new and better routine to take its place?

The scenarios described above are not just a solitary occurrence that has only happened to you. It’s a guarantee that they have happened to nearly everyone at one time or another. And it’s also a guarantee that as long as we keep giving up on a program before giving ourselves a chance at success, the circumstance will keep occurring. And that my friend is the #1 mistake that you can make in your attempt to build muscle bulk. Its occurrence is also the reason why most will never achieve their muscle building goals.

Our human nature is to want everything and want it now. You already know that’s the truth. But in our never ending quest to get those results, we give up on a course of action before it’s even had a chance to work?

Play out this scene with me. A guy decides he wants to build some muscle and bulk up. He sees an ad on TV for a great muscle building program and he decides to buy it.

He’s stoked and can’t wait to start working out. He gets the program, reads through it, and gears himself up to kick his own @$$. He’s motivated and ready to start struttin’ and showing off his body even before he’s done one rep of his routine. (This is good. Motivation is necessary.)

He’s working out, doing most of what the program says, being fairly consistent in his routines, and is committed for the most part to what he needs to do. A couple weeks go buy and not a whole lot is happening, (mind you…not a lot that can be seen on the outside.) Week 3 goes by and though a slight change may be visible, it’s not what you were hoping to see.

Frustration starts to set in. Week 4 goes by and a little more change is seen but you’re not where you want to be. By now, you’ve had enough. And your attention starts shifting to different programs, routines, equipment, etc. By week 5 there is somewhat of a breakthrough but it’s a case of too little too late. It’s been decided.

This program obviously doesn’t work. At least not for you so it’s time to change. Interestingly enough, while you were working out using the previous program, a new infomercial started playing on TV and it captured your attention. It’s promising the moon and a fast easy way to build muscle.

Low and behold you decide that’s the program you need. Before you know it, the routine you started with is pushed to the side and now you’re waiting on the new program you just ordered to get yourself that bulked-up muscular body you want…and the cycle goes on.

That’s the number one mistake we can make in building muscle bulk. We don’t give our bodies and the programs we’re using the time that is necessary to get the job done. We give up on the process and ourselves before giving the process the chance to work and our bodies the opportunity to change and grow.

It’s important to remember when we begin a muscle-building routine, make sure you use a program that works and follows the fundamentals of building muscle. Then commit to the program and stay focused using it for a minimum of 6 weeks. At that point, you should start seeing solid results. Build on those results and within the next 6 weeks, you’ll be closer to your dream build than ever before.

Once you commit to putting in the time and effort and sticking with a plan that does work, you will see the difference. You will have that body that will turn the girl’s heads and make your buddies jealous. You will have the body you want. You will build muscle bulk.