The Best Tips How To Controlling Blood Sugar?

We can control type 2 diabetes by following a diet that is low in fat, low in sugar, low in salt, and high in fibre. It should consist mainly of plants and other foods with low glycemic index numbers, and be washed down with lots of water. There are times however, no matter how successful … Read more


The human body requires energy, which comes from food. Sugars and starches, known as carbohydrates, are the most efficient energy sources. In the gut, they are broken down to glucose, which gets into the bloodstream and is delivered to various organs and muscles. Blood glucose is often called blood sugar. The blood sugar concentration in … Read more

Herbal remedies to naturally bring down your blood sugar level

Type-2 diabetes is an illness that has been affecting more and more people in the United States in the past few years; according to some reports, over 20 million Americans now suffer from the condition, with this showing no signs of slowing down. This has naturally meant that an increasing number of people have had … Read more


If you have diabetes, it is important to monitor your glucose levels regularly. A glucometer makes this process easy to do. These are portable devices that use a small sample of blood to tell you what your blood sugar levels are at that specific time. Since glucose meters test in real time, this helps you … Read more

You Should know what is Blood Sugar Causes Progressive Problems?

Typically, a physical at your doctor’s office will include a fasting blood test. If your results come back in the 110-120 range, you are generally told that it is a little high, but not too much of a concern – you do not have pre-diabetes or diabetes yet. Unfortunately for you, damage is already occurring … Read more