The Real Facts About Belly Fat

People trying to lose weight understand the frustration of doing all that work with nothing to show for it. It’s not easy. Losing just 1 pound requires that you burn 3,500 calories. In a week, that translates to 500 calories a day.

Women who give birth find it very hard to shed off the extra fat around their tummy. For men, it’s the beer belly, particularly when they are going up in age. There are many reasons for gaining weight–stress, poor diet, lack of exercise, etc.

But there’s a good reason to get rid of belly fat–it increases the risk of heart disease.

The Flat Belly Fix is proposing to help you shed the stubborn belly fat in just three weeks. If you’ve been at this for months without any results, the program promises 21 days.

This Flat Belly Fix review will try to determine if Todd Lamb’s program works.

What Is The Flat Belly Fix?

Everyone that wants to lose weight wants to know that the program that they begin will be successful. After all, who would want to participate in a regimen that doesn’t at least have a few success stories? The 21-Day Flat Belly Fix System starts its entire advertisement by locking in its customers with the story of the creator’s wife.

Who managed to lose 23 pounds with the regimen. Promising not to keep the participant from eating foods they like and requires minimal workouts, most consumers want to learn more.

The 21-Day Flat Belly Fix System started  as a “near-miraculous health and weight loss trick,” taking the user a few minutes in the morning with little money to invest. was inspired by creator Todd Lamb’s experience with a SWAT team, the program centers around the use of oleoresin capsaicin, the same that is often used in pepper sprays.

This ingredient has been tested in a 2012 clinical study by Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine, which followed with a high-fat diet over eight weeks. Researchers, at the time, found that the use of capsaicin increased body temperature, essentially stimulating thermogenesis as proteins in fat cells broke them down and reduced the synthesization of fat.

The best way to get this capsaicin is with the use of Cayenne Pepper, which Todd put into a tea for his wife. With a taste like cinnamon, the drink helped to improve energy levels substantially, improve the quality of her hair, and for losing weight.

The process took about 21 days to reach her 23-lb. Weight loss, but every person is going to be different, based on where they are with their weight when they start and how dramatic of a change the diet is from their eating regular habits.

The guide aims to be three things – honest, prepared, and “transformational.” Through this program, the creator outlines numerous topics that help people to understand their weight loss and how the body works, focusing on topics like:

Increasing the metabolism

Reducing sugar cravings

Stimulating the function of the thyroid gland

Eliminating fatigued skin

Reducing the chemicals in the brain that cause depression

Improving the libido

Erasing insulin resistance

In the end, Todd was able to create a digital guide –  The 21-Day Flat Belly Fix System  – that helps to permanently eradicate accumulated fat without adding any exercise to the user’s routine, all consumers need to do is prepare the particular tea and drink it. Upon purchasing this e-book, the user will be able to learn what went into the mystery tea that his wife started using to push their weight loss.

Who is the Creator of The Flat Belly Fix?

The creator of The Flat Belly Fix is Todd Lamb who is just a regular person like you and I. He is not some famous fitness guru who was paid millions to plaster his face on this program. Instead, he is a former SWAT veteran who almost lost his wife due to obesity. This began his journey to reshaping their lifestyle habits to lose weight.

How Does The Flat Belly Fix Work?

The Flat Belly Fix is not what you might expect from most weight loss programs in the market today. There’s no step-by-step routine you should follow for how many minutes each day.

What Todd Lamb has done was to take the most effective strategies, as well as proven tips and methods, and putting them all in the book. According to the testimonies of users, they’ve been able to lose at least 10 pounds by using the program in a short span of time.

Here are some of the things that you will learn from the book:

  • Natural ingredients you can buy in the supermarket that will help you shed off pounds quickly
  • How to make a tea that encourages weight loss but also help people with Type 2 diabetes
  • The spice that magically burns fat that nobody is really talking about
  • A simple 5-minute daily routine that targets the belly fat
  • A smoothie recipe to include coconut, nuts, almond milk, vanilla, avocado, and some fruits. The smoothie will leave you refreshed but also helps your body to process the fat.

The Flat Belly Fix unlocks the potential of foods. It’s what our ancestors have been eating since the dawn of time. Back when they relied on nature to provide for them and not all these synthetic and processed foods. When taken in their organic state, it’s possible to optimize all the nutrients of food to improve our well-being.

The book doesn’t send you off on a treasure hunt to find the most difficult ingredients. Most of the ingredients on the book can be found in your local grocery store. Of course, some of the food will take some getting used to, especially if you’ve taken a liking to processed foods.

Also, another challenge is that you have to prepare them yourself as you can’t buy a finished recipe at the supermarket. That can prove difficult for some people who are already tired from work and just want to rest.

But you will understand the reasoning behind these foods and recipes and what they do to your body. That makes it easier to make the lifestyle change.


  • Rationale
    • Hunger and Appetite
    • The Energy System Shift
  • The Secret FBF Tea
  • Benefits of Turmeric for Women
  • Benefits of Turmeric for Men
    • How Much Per Day
  • The Benefits of Chai Tea
  • The Benefits of Green Tea
  • Grass-Fed Butter
  • Cinnamon
  • Leptin Sensitivity
    • What is Leptin
    • Leptin and Weight Loss
    • Mastering Your Leptin Levels
    • Leptin, Exercise, Carbohydrates, and Fats
    • Leptin and Interval Meals
  • Insulin Sensitive and Resistance
    • What is Insulin?
    • How to Improve Your Insulin Sensitivity
    • How to Improve your Insulin Sensitivity Through Diet
  • Medium Chain Triglycerides
    • MCTS for Reducing Fat Storage
    • Coconut Milk
    • MCT Oil
  • Lactobacillus L. Reuteri
  • Gender-Specific Benefits for Women
    Gender-Specific Benefits for Men
  • The Protocol
  • Meal Timings and Composition
  • Visual References
  • Food List
  • Questions and Answers

The Flat Belly Protocol

Flat Belly Protocol promises to change your life if you just allocate seven minutes of your day to the routine.

The exercises in the 7-minute protocol include isometric hold, system tension, fiber activation, and the like. These are reminiscent of what he learned during his SWAT days, which he customized for an everyday workout. The exercise routine is something that you will share with law enforcement officers throughout the country. They are doing a variation of the techniques to maintain their physique.

You might say to yourself, “I could never do what they do.” And then you have self-doubts about whether or not you can go through Todd’s program.

But it’s really not. Remember that he created the Flat Belly Fix to help his wife who just figured into an accident. This is really easy on your body while also ensuring that you lose weight fast.

What’s best about the program is that your daily routine is not going to be boring. That’s because Todd has one seven-minute exercise for each different day.

Based on the name, the exercises are specially designed to burn your stomach area. As most fitness experts know, it’s not about how long you’ve exercised. It’s how effective your exercise routine is. It’s called being smart about your workout.

The exercises are shown in the eBook through a series of photos. This is admittedly better than if the author will describe the routine. In this way, you will know if you are really doing the right thing.

You will learn the posture, the number of reps, and the rest period in between sets.

So, when you ask if seven minutes would be enough, the short answer is yes.

Finally, you will learn how to make a smoothie recipe that enhances your weight loss journey. The book shares several recipes that are actually very delicious while being very healthy at the same time.

What Will You Learn in The Flat Belly Fix?

The Flat Belly Fix covers dozens of weight loss tips, dieting strategies, recipe guides, and more. Some of the topics covered in the eBook include:

Elevate Fat Burning Hormones:

The makers of The Flat Belly Fix claim to have identified “the master fat burning hormone.” By activating this hormone using simple strategies, you can purportedly lose massive amounts of weight without exercising or dieting. The Flat Belly Fix claims to raise levels of this fat burning hormone by 1,300% in women and 2,000% in men, turning your body into “a raging fat-burning furnace every night,” burning unwanted fat while you sleep with zero effort required.

White Fat Fuel Secret:

The Flat Belly Fix mentions something called the “white fat fuel secret.” By taking advantage of this secret, you can purportedly force your body to stop feasting on sugar as your primary energy source – and force it to start burning fat instead. The strategies in The Flat Belly Fix will purportedly force your body to start “gobbling up your white fat like pudding,” leaving only beneficial brown fat behind.

Thyroid Accelerator:

The Flat Belly Fix teaches you a thyroid accelerator technique that can increase your thyroid to 11 automatically, increasing your rate of weight loss. The makers of The Flat Belly Fix claim anyone with a 4th grade education can understand this strategy and implement it today, making it easier than ever to lose weight.

Reverse Skin Aging:

As you get older, your skin naturally starts to show signs of your age. The Flat Belly Fix doesn’t just teach you how to lose weight: the program also claims to teach you how to turn back the clock on your skin, giving you the same clear, vibrant skin you had when you were younger – no matter your age or history.

Reduce Depression Chemicals in your Brain:

The Flat Belly Fix features a simple dietary trick that “reduces the depression chemicals in your brain almost instantly.” By implementing this trick in your lifestyle, you can purportedly improve your mood in just 1 to 2 days. Instead of relying on medication, exercise, or dieting to improve your mood, you can reduce depression chemicals with a simple fix. You’ll no longer be tired and grumpy all the time.

Reduce the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes by 33%:

The Flat Belly Fix claims to have identified a strategy that will reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 33%. All you need to do is make a tea. The Flat Belly Fix features a tea recipe that can purportedly reduce your risk of diabetes.

Stop Your Hunger Cravings:

Hunger cravings can ruin your weight loss and dieting goals. The Flat Belly Fix claims to teach you how to activate your satiety switch, flipping the switch on your hunger to ensure you never get food cravings again. Food cravings are all about hormones and blood sugar. By balancing food cravings and blood sugar, you can purportedly maximize the effects of your diet.

Feed your Libido: The right foods can feed your libido and increase your sex drive. The Flat Belly Fix claims to teach you how to feed your libido with a cheap and abundant food. That food is “unsexy,” but it can purportedly feed your libido.

How to Avoid Boomerang Dieting:

Many people lose weight following a diet for the first few weeks, only to regain this weight when they stop the strict diet. The Flat Belly Fix teaches you how to avoid boomerang dieting with easy, effective weight loss strategies. That’s why The Flat Belly Fix claims to offer permanent weight loss instead of short-term results.

Reduce Inflammation:

The Flat Belly Fix claims to “reduce cancer-causing inflammation” throughout your body without relying on dangerous or expensive drugs. By adjusting your diet and adding more antioxidant-rich foods, you could reduce inflammation throughout your body.

Increase Bone Density:

The Flat Belly Fix even claims to increase your bone density without exercising. By following the “one simple trick” in The Flat Belly Fix, you can purportedly increase your bone density with zero weight lifting required.

By following all of these tips, you can purportedly lose a substantial amount of weight within just 3 weeks (21 days) of following the program. Just follow the strategies above, then start losing a significant amount of weight.

  • • You will learn how your anatomy works, which is material for you to understand that every action has a corresponding consequence
  • • You will learn to work smarter rather than harder when it comes to your exercise routines
  • • The Flat Belly Fix program is easily downloadable. You can print a hard copy or save it on your tablet for exercise aid on the go
  • • The words used are very simple and the pace is just right. The book doesn’t flood you with too much technical information that could overwhelm any reader
  • • Some people who used the program swear that their bedroom life has improved. This makes sense, of course, because the more you feel good about your body, the sexier you feel
  • • 60-day money-back guarantee
  • • At the end of the day, an eBook is still a book. So, if you are not into reading, you will struggle with this one
  • • Some people might balk at the price, but then again it’s going to be a worthy investment
  • • Most of the recipes outlined in the book are prepared from the ground up. You also have to buy the ingredients from the local supermarket
  • • You’ll rely on your own strength and willpower to continue with the program. You won’t have a trainer to motivate you when you don’t feel like doing the routines

The Flat Belly Fix Bonuses

Aside from the Flat Belly Fix program, you will also get these amazing bonuses:

Slim Belly Sleep Detox — This program will teach you a routine that you can do before you turn in for sleep. In this way, your body will burn your belly fat while you are off to dreamland.

How to prepare a blend to balance estrogen — This is another bonus of the program which teaches women how to make this secret blend. Todd says this will accelerate the process of burning your belly fat.

21-Day Flat Belly Fix System FAQ

Ginger helps to control blood sugar levels, which means it can prevent a spike in your glucose levels after taking a carb or a sugar-rich diet. Same like turmeric and cayenne pepper, ginger also has thermogenic (fat-burning) property. Add it to your tea, salads, fish, fruits, and more.

How do you use cayenne pepper to lose weight?

Take either 30-120 milligram capsules or 0.3-1 milliliter of liquid tincture one to three times per day. You can also make an infusion using up to 1 teaspoon of powdered cayenne pepper per cup of water. Take a one teaspoon dose of this mixture in a small amount of water a few times per day.

What spice can you put in tea to lose weight?

Many herbs and spices have been shown to fight cravings and boost fat burning and weight loss, such as Fenugreek, Turmeric, Cayenne Pepper, Ginger, Oregano, and Cinnamon.

Can you drink cayenne pepper before bed?

According to many studies, one of the most effective ways to burn fat is by eating Cayenne pepper. When you sleep, your body burns fat, and having pepper in your meal or with cottage cheese can work wonders.

How do you activate brown fat?

Exposing your body to cool and even cold temperatures may help recruit more brown fat cells. Some research has suggested that just two hours of exposure each day to temperatures around 66˚F (19˚C) may be enough to turn recruitable fat to brown, per Healthline

Purchasing The 21-Day Flat Belly Fix System

Though Todd states that this program could easily be worth nearly $200, he makes it more affordable by charging $37 for each digital copy. The price isn’t permanent, and the creator expresses apprehension about no longer being able to offer this seemingly magical solution to consumers if it is pulled offline.

While there are  many people to already be successful with The 21-Day Flat Belly Fix System, it may not be for everyone. That’s why the creator has included a 60-day return policy, which will give the user a complete refund when they relinquish their access. After purchasing, customers will receive three unique gifts,

1.) The 7 Minutes To A Slim Belly System

2.) A unique book of quick, easy, delicious, and almost-done-for-you meal replacement smoothie recipes,

3.) “As soon as you finish your enrollment you’ll instantly be added to my secret closed Facebook group where you can ask me any question you want, network and bond with other folks going on the same journey, and get the motivation and ACCOUNTABILITY you need to stick to the program and get the amazing results I’ve promised you here today.”


The Flat Belly Fix deconstructs the weight loss process. It doesn’t just teach you how to lose weight, it helps you understand why.

However, even if you don’t lose weight faster than you would think, this book can still help you. Our bodies react differently to various stimuli. There is a combination of factors that affect how a person will lose weight. But look beyond losing weight for a second. You will see that The Flat Belly Fix really encourages a healthy lifestyle.

Because you are moving around and eating right, you become healthier. You will avoid lifestyle diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and the like. Those are very costly medical conditions. For that alone, this book is worth the investment.